Warhammer Killteam Commander Pdf

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Confused re: points for Kill Team Elites game

A Watch Master: this multipart plastic kit represents Gaius Acastian – or the Commander of any Deathwatch Kill Team. Wielding a guardian spear and a clavis – a device which can interact positively or negatively with any machine the Watch Master turns his attention to – he wears heavy Deathwatch armour and stares impassively through an optical implant that dominates his face. May 16, 2017.


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Subject: Confused re: points for Kill Team Elites game

Imperial Agent Provocateur

I just picked up the Elites book for Kill Team.
Unless i missed it somewhere, there's no mention of increased or suggested total team points value for playing a game involving Elites.
Are we just supposed to assume a Battle-Forged Kill Team is still only 100 points as stated in the Core Rulebook?
Subject: Confused re: points for Kill Team Elites game

Thunderhawk Pilot Dropping From Orbit

I think Kill Team: Elites is intended to supplement the existing unit options of Kill Team not become your entire team or even be an option to be your whole team save Custodes. I suspect part of the reason GW significantly lowered the price of Custodes and made other concessions with them is to manage to fit them into 100 point games. That is not to say some of the missions won't bump the points limit occasionally, but it appears GW intends Kill Team sans Commanders is to remain 100 points. Except when playing Kill Team: Elite specific missions.
Which suits me just fine given there is a 20 man roster/team limit to the game, and I have more than a few of those factions that can easily hit that limit at 100 points. I don't like points creep in general, and it is no different in Kill Team. While I don't like the idea that there are a few factions that just can't field 8 units with 100 points under no circumstance, I like the idea some factions either leaving points on the table, fielding their entire roster and/or taking expensive units just because they can't spend them anywhere else.
As much as I like terminators, I don't need to run a full team of them in Kill Team. Probably for the best too as Kill Team doesn't do them many favors. One every now and again is just fine with me. Same goes for any other points sink that Elites added. I actually applaud GW's restraint as they probably stand to make more money (probably not a lot more) having a higher points total than not.
Given the rumblings online I have seen so far, though; I kinda doubt the 100 point limit is going to stay. It seems like many groups are just going to up the limit anyways so they can field more toys.

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Black Legion 3000pts Avenging Eagles Ultma Founding Primaris Chapter 3500pts Rusted Claw Genestealer Cult 2000pts Slaves to Darkness 3000pts
Stygies VIII Kill Team Nihilakh Dynasty Kill Team Grey Knights Kill Team Kabal of the Dying Sun Kill Team Bad Moons Kill Team Hive Fleet Jormungandr Kill Team
Subject: Re:Confused re: points for Kill Team Elites game

Imperial Agent Provocateur

I've got no preference or desire either way - i just wanna know what the actual rule is before i start building teams! Haha.
That being said, i actually just took a closer look at the new missions in the back of the book - 125 points looks like the upped limit (for non-commander games).

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Subject: Re:Confused re: points for Kill Team Elites game

Thunderhawk Pilot Dropping From Orbit

Sentionaut wrote:
I've got no preference or desire either way - i just wanna know what the actual rule is before i start building teams! Haha.
That being said, i actually just took a closer look at the new missions in the back of the book - 125 points looks like the upped limit (for non-commander games).

I think you are going to have to check with your local group on what they prefer as I think most groups are going to lean toward the 125, but I really don't know. Kill Team still uses sideboards so it is still a 20 unit roster either way. Although, I can see that 25 points greatly affecting some factions' roster choices enough that I could see why you want to know if it is 100 or 125 points. Heck, I think jumping up to 125 points changes about half my Kill Team rosters and most don't have any of the Elites as options for them yet.
Black Legion 3000pts Avenging Eagles Ultma Founding Primaris Chapter 3500pts Rusted Claw Genestealer Cult 2000pts Slaves to Darkness 3000pts
Stygies VIII Kill Team Nihilakh Dynasty Kill Team Grey Knights Kill Team Kabal of the Dying Sun Kill Team Bad Moons Kill Team Hive Fleet Jormungandr Kill Team
Subject: Confused re: points for Kill Team Elites game

Lord of the Fleet

Battleforged is still 100 points unless the mission specifies otherwise (they could have changed this and didn't)
The elites book missions are a mix of 125 and 200. The missions in the new team boxes and kill zone are all 125.
The split now is:
100pts - 60 missions
125pts - 15 missions
200pts - 27 missions
no limit (open play) - 12 missions
Here's a filterable spreadsheet listing all of the missions and their characteristics.

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Warhammer Kill Team Elites Pdf

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